Mareschstr. 4, 12055 Berlin, DE +49-030-658-36910 TUE-FRI 1PM-6PM SAT 11AM-3PM / DIEN-FREI 13:00-18:00 SAM 11:00-15:00
#Chi_Cx2020 17.Oct - 31.Oct
Vernissage: 17. Oct 14:00 Uhr
Social Distancing. Masks required. Contact Tracing.
The 3rd edition of the Chilean's artists festival in Berlin, Chilean Conexión, will take place from October 17th to October 31st. Many Chilean artists from Berlin will present their work in different locations throughout Berlin, the German capital, but also through online streaming.
#Chi_Cx2020 will mainly present works related to the current Chilean social crisis and its historical roots. The works of the selected artists will reflect and present different perspectives on the awakening of Chilean people.
The program considers different activities, among them the central exhibition at LiTE-HAUS and Kastanien Projektraum; artistic urban interventions; the “Open Studio” event, where the public will have access to artist’s studios in Berlin; live streaming of performative and musical presentations, as well as seminars and talks; and the projection of audiovisual works such as documentaries, essay films and video art.
The list of exhibitors is composed of more than 50 artists residing in Berlin and some invited from Chile, all of them taking part in presentations and exhibitions in the neighborhoods of Neukölln and Kreuzberg.
Due to the limitations caused by the coronavirus crisis, the development of the festival will focus mainly on activities in public space and / or online.
More details about the event are available on the Chilean Conexion website or through their Facebook page and Instagram account @chileanconexion.

The 3rd edition of the Chilean's artists festival in Berlin, Chilean Conexión, will take place from October 17th to October 31st. Many Chilean artists from Berlin will present their work in different locations throughout Berlin, the German capital, but also through online streaming. La 3° edición del festival de artistas chilenos en Berlín, Chilean Conexión, se desarrollará entre los días 17 y 31 de octubre en distintos espacios de la capital alemana y en formato online.

#Chi_Cx2020 will mainly present works related to the current Chilean social crisis and its historical roots. The works of the selected artists will reflect and present different perspectives on the awakening of Chilean people. #Chi_Cx2020 presentará principalmente trabajos centrados en la crisis social chilena actual y sus raíces históricas. Las obras de los artistas que han sido seleccionadas consiguen reflexionar y presentar distintas perspectivas en torno al despertar de les chilenes.

The list of exhibitors is composed of more than 50 artists residing in Berlin and some invited from Chile, all of them taking part in presentations and exhibitions in the neighborhoods of Neukölln and Kreuzberg. La lista de expositores está compuesta por más de 50 artistas residentes en Berlín, y algunos invitados desde Chile, todos quienes se presentarán de manera conjunta este año entre los distritos de Neukölln y Kreuzberg.

The 3rd edition of the Chilean's artists festival in Berlin, Chilean Conexión, will take place from October 17th to October 31st. Many Chilean artists from Berlin will present their work in different locations throughout Berlin, the German capital, but also through online streaming. La 3° edición del festival de artistas chilenos en Berlín, Chilean Conexión, se desarrollará entre los días 17 y 31 de octubre en distintos espacios de la capital alemana y en formato online.