Mareschstr. 4, 12055 Berlin, DE +49-030-658-36910 TUE-FRI 1PM-6PM SAT 11AM-3PM / DIEN-FREI 13:00-18:00 SAM 11:00-15:00

In Julie McCreedy’s Emotional Resolve, interconnecting themes merge in and out of multiple two- dimensional works. Influenced by a single letter written by McCreedy’s deceased son, she documents memories, dreams, and correspondence concerning loss, love, and trauma. To navigate the space, a suspended canvas encourages the viewer to engage multiple dimensions. At the core, the work examines her son's Opioid Use Disorder and the innate need for solace and redirection.

Investigating and challenging binding forces of social perception around recovery practices, Michelle Hall employs use of symbolic gesture through this series of works. Her research deals with lived experience, aftermath and processes of recovery through reconstructive offerings that address the intersections of how we learn and how we may achieve new iterations of collective and individual empowerment.

This Summer 2019 the CENTRE FOR THE STUDY OF SUBSTRUCTURED LOSS is proud to host international interdisciplinary artists and researchers Constance Brady (US), Michelle Hall (IE), Julie McCreedy (US), and Elyssa Sykes-Smith (AU).
"ANSWERING IN EPILOGUE" is a visual discourse and dialogue on artistic boundaries, personal relationships, documentation and experimentation. Click here for more details.
Established in 2009, the CENTRE FOR THE STUDY OF SUBSTRUCTURED LOSS is a Canadian organization dedicated to the development of applied grief and bereavement research. Documented through the use of practice-led methods within art and comprised of work from an interdisciplinary network of creative and technical practitioners; the CENTRE FOR THE STUDY OF SUBSTRUCTURED LOSS is committed to the advancement of the arts and sciences; providing programming in support of education; public and professional engagement; and the development of field research in partnership with local, national, and international academic bodies, institutions, foundations, and non-profits.