Mareschstr. 4, 12055 Berlin, DE +49-030-658-36910 TUE-FRI 1PM-6PM SAT 11AM-3PM / DIEN-FREI 13:00-18:00 SAM 11:00-15:00
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Eymen Aktel
Ausstellung | Exhibition 28.May - 8.June
Vernissage 28.May 19:00 Uhr

Eymen Aktel is a performance artist based in Istanbul. Her art-activism focuses on the climate crisis and police violence. Her "Hurdahaş/Write Off" performance is a representation of the anthropocene age of the world that is polluted by human hands. In a 2-meter room covered with tracing paper, she writes on these makeshift walls, covering nearly every available space, thus polluting the room. This action makes it unusable. In this exhibition at LiTE-HAUS we present the results - large pieces of delicate tracing paper boldly displaying messages and drawings - part of Aktel's ongoing project Yokoluş Isyani (Extinction).