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Installation by Melanie Garland

EXHIBITION: June 30 - July 23, 2022
VERNISSAGE: June 30 (18:00 - 21:00)


Wednesday to Sunday 3pm - 8pm (15:00-20:00)


"Somewhere Inbetween is an artistic and anthropological PhD research of contemporary migration. In this dissertation, entitled Somewhere inbetween: from so-called non-places towards social places, I examined self-built settlements in Europe and South America, established by communities in transit and remained self-organized. These inhabitants have transformed "empty urban zones" into places and neighborhoods. I explore how these places - so-called non-places -- become social places and how the concept of Liminality and the state of inbetweenness, geographically and affectively between borders, might play a role in their transformation and becoming. I ask: How have these autonomously occupied places created convivial and solidary places in the face of violent interaction with border regimes? How have they sought alternative ways of living and a redefinition of the city through strategies of reappropriation of urban spaces? This dissertation has a transdisciplinary quality mirroring my own experiences between practice and theory, aesthetics and ethics — a quality that I wanted to bring to this dissertation and hopefully contribute to the current debate on a reflexive postcolonial and methodological multimodal European ethnology."

See the research:

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